
Happy Birthday Richard

“I can’t wait to find out what Richard is getting for his birthday,” I said to the kids this week. They all laughed. My husband Richard’s birthday falls during Holy Week this year- so we’ll have to plan to celebrate at some later time.

However, everyone in our family had to laugh again at what happened last year. Last year we had gotten into the rut of not paying attention to each other. The needs of friends, family, etc. can absorb our time very quickly. It’s too easy to disconnect or take blessings for granted.

At Richard’s birthday dinner and I gave him a beautifully wrapped gift; and when he opened it, he found a bottle of MY favorite perfume. He seemed confused, until I explained that I knew that nothing would make him happier than giving, and since he had been so busy, my gift to him was giving him a gift – to give to me. My favorite perfume!

Sounds selfish – and I confess it is, a bit. Yet, he says was his most cherished gift. It said to him that I understood his hectic schedule and I knew his intention is to give and show love. It told him that he is still my hero, who gives me what I love. It gave him an opportunity to do what I know means more to him than anything – to give.

Okay, what about you? It’s easy to complain that our family takes us for granted; but what if we assume the best, and help them to give – then shower them with appreciation? Letting people know how much they give to us through their kindness is a gift back to them. Letting people know that they bring great value to us is a gift to them too.

So, what will Richard get for his birthday? Hmmm…that perfume was nice – but the important gift is telling him how valuable he is to me, and that I know how generous he is. Does that make sense? Either way I come out smelling sweet. Blessings, and I’ll see you in church!

“Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” John 16: 24